Saturday, October 06, 2007

This was our first try making a sand castle..haiz quite a failure..the top was destroyed and the bear also quite disfigured..but don give up!!!

Yay..finally a perfect sand castle decorated with a rock and shell..and this is view no. 1

Yoo..and this is view no. 2

Yipee..the final and best view no. 3

Today, me and sisters visited east coast park. The weather there was terribly hot. We opened a mat, bought our lunch from the market and ate there. Though the weather was sultry hot, it became cooler when it was nearing 5.30pm. We had a wonderful time there, collecting seashells and building sandcastles. Above are a few pictures of the sand castles we made with a bucket (the whole set of bucket and spades cost S$6.50..quite cheap). The first one wasn't that successful as the top of the castle was missing and the bear we made on top of the castle was also quite disfigured. The second one was much better with the top still intact and we decorated it with shells (quite ugly) and a rock (quite ugly too). The beach was littered with a lot of rubbish and had no beautiful shells in sight..haiz. Anyway, we had dinner later at Marina Square at the food loft. We shared two bowls of korean dishes (Korean Steamed Egg and Mushroom Tofu Soup)..yummy. After one whole day at the beach and at Marina Square, we settled ourselves down back at home and bringing home with me a Samuel & Kelvin Shirt (Blue with yellow stripes..makes me look fatter..haha).

WQ stepped on your garbage at 11:24 PM

Friday, October 05, 2007

Hi.. today is my 1st post of the day!!! Juz got a blog recently!!! Yeah!!!(^_^)

WQ stepped on your garbage at 1:51 AM